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Understanding Midlife Crisis

Dr Thompson and Dr Douglass define midlife crisis and explore the psychological roots of it. We discuss the life path that results in what has come to be called midlife crisis. We dispel the myth that it's an irrational chapter in a man's life where he wants to buy a sports car and have an affair.

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Enter theFreud Enter theFreud

Growing through Trauma

Two therapists explore why some people are crushed by trauma while others find a way to survive and even thrive. Some people respond to trauma with creativity and spirituality. We identify the keys to growing through trauma. We touch on relationships, art, creativity, and spirituality.

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Is America Spoiled and Entitled?

We talk about the psychology of America that allowed the country to expand and rise to historically monumental wealth and luxury. We talk about how passionate work has led to wealth but how wealth has in turn led to a loss of passionate work ethic. Has America become oversensitive and soft?

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Do Women Want Alpha Males?

In a post-feminist culture, many women claim to want more gentle, kind, androgynous men. But the saying "nice guys finish last" won't go away for a reason. Do women want nice guys? Or strong, assertive, "alpha males"? We explore this cultural conflict and examine the psychology of women and the psychology of attraction. We examine the manosphere and its place in this debate.

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Depth Therapy vs Regular Therapy

Depth Psychology involves the exploration of the deeper realms of the human psyche. Typical therapy tries to change thoughts and behaviors through conscious intention or using techniques. The deeper roots of human psychology can't be accessed in this way. To make deep and lasting change, the patient and therapist must be open to going into deeper, more mysterious realms of human consciousness. These realms are foreign to our culture's typical mindset and thus we avoid going here. In this video Dr. Thompson and Dr. Douglass talk about this type of psychotherapy.

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Do Men Need Emotional Support?

Men hide their vulnerability. Do they need sensitive emotional nurturing despite the tough front they present? Do men get shamed in our culture if they express vulnerable needs? Is that why they hide their emotional needs? Does our culture scare men away from feeling and expressing their need for support, love, encouragement, affection? Is this why men often end up toxic? What is toxic masculinity? These are the questions we explore in this video.

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Race & Gender Sexual Differences?

We discuss the highly charged topics of gender and race in reference to sexuality and relationships. How have cultural and historical trends in gender and race interactions influenced sexuality and sexual relations in our time? Is sexuality influenced by race and gender? We discuss kinky sex impulses, and how creativity, freedom, and safety in sexuality can be therapeutic.

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Sexual Rejection: How to avoid it

We examine the common pattern of sexual rejection in relationships, as well as the phenomenon of chronic sexual rejection for singles and it’s horrible impact. We explore the psychology behind this pattern and ways to avoid it.

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Slut-shaming culture

Hunt and be hunted: the imbalance of sex roles. We explore how women are taught to repress and disconnect from their sexuality. We identify how this leads to an imbalance in the social/sexual dynamics between men and women.

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How Marriage Works, and fails

Explore the psychology behind marriage and divorce. Why do we fall in love and why does love fade. What does the couples therapist face. How can love last? How can marriage last. Why do couples get divorced. Dr Douglass and Dr Thompson explore these questions and share personal experiences.

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Romantic Relationships: a New Model

Times have changed and so have relationships. The old model of romantic relationships is rapidly deteriorating. Humans grow and evolve; our relationships must do the same. Dating, the honeymoon period, long term partnerships, and break-ups--these are all part of the natural cycle of relationships. Doctors Thompson and Douglass explore the psychology behind the relationship patterns in the 21st century.

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