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Psychology of Politics: Left vs Right

Beneath everyone's political opinion lies a deeply personal, emotional psychology. To understand your political leanings, you must understand the unconscious emotional dynamics that were shaped in your childhood. If we are able to free ourselves from the partisan deadlock that is gripping the U.S. and much of the world, we will need to develop "dialectical thinking" which requires a psychologically-based self-awareness.

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Meta Dating: Dating in the metaverse

Meta Dating or dating in the metaverse is not just dating apps on virtual reality steroids. We are potentially for the first time looking at how we date and why we date. Dating in the Metaverse exposes unconscious and conscious limitations in how we think. This looking glass reflects back into the unknown architecture of our very existence.

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Why are we having Less Sex?

With each passing year, Americans are having less and less sex. Why is this? We look at sexuality in American culture and explore reasons for our change in sexual behavior and dating. We talk about how sex and relationships have changed across history.

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Hookup Culture: A male perspective

From moral righteousness to feminist outrage, hookup culture gets around. Why is this concept captivating peoples minds and infiltrating bedrooms? We psychologists must know. This actually becomes an examination of male sexual development. Peer pressure often leads to young guys first sexual contact. How does this make room for onset of Hookup Culture? To hookup, or not to hookup: that is the question.

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Sugar Babies: Thirst Trap or Sexual Liberation

Is the exchange of money for sex a path towards freedom or a window into psychopathy? Sugar babies and sugar dating claim to be an "honest" alternative to conventional relationships. Sugar Daddies might be looking for sex, love, and affection eventually landing in an internet scam for the elderly. Platforms like Seeking Arrangements have a dark side stranger than prostitution. What is the psychic impact of having a short lived career based on selling sex and companionship? Is there really a healthy way to sell sex?

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The Situationship: Why it has become the new relationship norm

Dr Douglass and Dr Thompson explore the new norm in dating and romantic relationships: the "situationship." We talk about what this term means and why situationships have become so common. We talk about relationships in contemporary times and how we have departed from traditional relationship norms.

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Onlyfans: Psychology of Sexual Freedom

Openly expressing sexuality goes beyond the bedroom into voyerisom. Onlyfans provides the platform for women to get praise and money directly from anyone with an account. Explore potential psychiatric reasons for this behavior and see if your psyche can handle the sexology of Onlyfans.

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Americans’ Desperate Search for Meaning

Humans need meaning and direction in life, perhaps more than anything. In modern times, we project this need, unconsciously, on a wide range of things--many of which are not up to the challenge. Many great tragedies have their roots in the human's blind, urgent search for a deeper meaning in life.

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Should men have a say in Abortion?

We explore this minefield: Unplanned pregnancies, single mothers, the woman's right to choose, dead beat dads, pre-marital sex, children's need for their fathers, the culture of idealizing motherhood. We explore the controversial idea that, like relationships and sex, having a child should require two yes-es, not just one. Abortion, sex, consent, raising children and the culture of blaming men and assuming women are victims and angels--these are the subjects of this conversation.

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Has Trauma Sensitivity gone Too Far?

Is the term trauma being misused or over-used? Is there truth to the saying "if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger"? Or do we need to avoid trauma at all costs and provide safe, sensitive healing to people's trauma? Dr Thompson defines trauma and differentiates it from difficult experiences that make a person stronger.

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Psychology of Attraction: be Gosling, not Gollum!

Psychologists Thompson and Douglass explore the psychology behind dating and attraction. They talk about being "creepy" and it's relation to the powerful male need for sex and sexual affirmation. The talk about the subtle qualities of being attractive and the catch 22 of showing one's desperate needs as repulsive to women.

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Beyond Traditional Relationship Paradigms

We explore the underlying emotional/psychological trends in most romantic relationships. We identify the common pitfalls in relationships and marriage. We identify alternative possibilities for love, sex and marriage. We discuss the pros and cons of monogamy, polyamory, nonmonogamy, serial monogamy, and casual dating.

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Body Image Healthy Psychology

Its like a new drug and the addicts can been seen trapped in Selfie. Body positivity and forms of self acceptance battle the need to look like a model. Mere mortals live in anxiety laden habitats. One navigates this terrain with bent spine kneeling for a new god.

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The Hollywood Ego: America’s Heroic Psychological Journey

Heroes inspire us. They soar to great heights and fill us with hope for transcendence. Then they crest, and dive, and crash ...and our tabloids rush to the scene to show pictures of their fabulous demise. America ravenously watches the rise and the fall. We can't get enough. In this video we explore the psychology behind this archetypal American story.

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Psychology of Extreme Fitness

We talk about the explosion of fitness obsession in American over the last 20 years. We analyze the psychology behind this and we explore the healthy, and perhaps not so healthy roots of the drive to achieve fitness goals.

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From Gods to Celebrities

Humans are guided by stars. In ancient times, stars were the gods. Eventually they were replaced by religion. The wise men were guided to Jesus by the stars. Relgion was replaced by great thinkers. Eventually George Washington and John Rockefeller were the new idols. In the 20th century our new gods/leaders became the stars of Hollywood.

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Why Fighting always accompanies Love

Psychologists Dr. Puran Douglass and Dr. David Thompson explore the emotional and psychological reason why fighting and romantic relationships are inextricably linked.

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The Psychology of Racism and Woke-ism

Racism and Woke-ism seem like opposites, but the psychology behind them is the same. In this video we dig into the psychological roots of racism, the woke movement, and the charged atmosphere of us vs them in Covid-era America. Why does everyone seem on edge? Where is all the judgment, righteousness and hatred coming from?

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